Who Should Attend
Why Attend
A 55-minute or multiple session one-on-one phone and online interactive training session(s) conducted by our X-Rite Color Experts and scheduled at your convenience. Topics for learning are submitted by you and reviewed by our team to insure the experience is exactly what you want to achieve. Since these are targeted around your key training objectives, these sessions are flexible enough to customize to your industry, equipment, and workflow application. Rates vary from $125.00 to $495.00 USD based on number of participants, content presented, number of sessions and preparation time.
PCTs are a great method to deliver training to an individual or a small work group around a specific topic of learning.
Take advantage of the knowledge and expertise of an X-Rite Color Expert to solve your instrument, software or workflow problems. This is a very affordable and convenient way to get the necessary knowledge you need to be successful. Rates vary from $125.00 to $495.00 USD based on number of participants, content presented, number of sessions and preparation time.
Customized to meet your specific goals. An X-Rite Color Expert will briefly contact you in advance to clarify and learn more about your workflow to ensure that the actual PCT session meets your objectives.